Monday, May 11, 2009

Education Comment

In Adrienne’s blog she wrote about education, which is a huge issue that I repeatedly keep hearing about. Writing about such a big topic is good because it will capture the audiences attention. She does a good job introducing the topic of education, but it is hard to decipher what her main topic is. At first she writes about art being taken out of schools and then writes about how education is financed. Those two topics could work together, but she does not create a good transition between the two.
I really do like the topic she talks about because it is really important and she provides a good article for the audiences to reference. After she moves on to the financial part of education she becomes more clear with her point, using statistics and historical references. These references show how public education has been financed in the past to how it’s currently being financed. She also did a good job inserting her thoughts on the topic.
It is important to have a good transition between topics, but other than that I believe she chose a good topic. Just creating a transition and elaborating a little bit more would have made this an excellent blog.

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