Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stem-cell Research Rider

Recently Senator Steve Ogden has been trying to pass a rider to make sure that stem-cell research will not be funded by Texas money. He said that he wanted to make a statement about the bill so it will continue being silent. The commentators on this article were against this bill. They did not want this bill to be passed. They disagreed because it seems that the rider was only being passed because of Senator Ogden's personal beliefs. Because it is a commentary, they are lacking evidence. All of the commintors seem to be for stem-cell research, stating that the senator needs to "represent the best choices for his constituents" and stem-cell research is not a "flat-earth mythology and ghosts n' goblins" but "health and safety."

Personally, I am indecisive about the topic because of my upbringing. I have not researched the topic enough for me to have a solid opinion on the topic. I feel like I am in the middle. Part of me wants the research to continue, but then part of me does not believe in using embryos. I guess I will have to do some research so that I can make a solid decision.


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